Gloire Events is thrilled to present "Ktir Salbe Bro," an exceptional comedy program that masterfully highlights everyday situations and current events through a satirical lens. This unique performance promises to deliver sharp-witted humor, offering a critical and entertaining perspective on the realities of contemporary life.
Main Artists in Ktir Salbe Bro Program:
Fady Charbel: Renowned for his engaging stage presence and insightful humor, Fady Charbel brings a blend of wit and relatability to every performance.
Hussein Mokadem: Known for his clever observations and dynamic delivery, Hussein Mokadem adds a distinct comedic flavor to the show.
Dolly L Hello: With her vibrant personality and astute humor, Dolly L Hello captivates audiences with her fresh and entertaining approach.
Ktir Salbe Bro Program Details:
Date: 27-09-2024
Door Opens: 6:00 PM
Show Starts: 8:30 PM
Important Note: All tickets are non-refundable.
Don't miss out on this remarkable comedy event that promises to provide an evening of laughter and insightful commentary on the world around us.
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