How to Check Your Labour Contract Online in Qatar 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Check Your Labour Contract Online in Qatar 2023

In Qatar, the labor market is governed by strict regulations to protect the rights of both employers and employees. If you are working in Qatar, it’s essential to be aware of your labor contract details and ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date. Fortunately, the government of Qatar has made it relatively easy to access your labor contract online, allowing you to review your employment terms and conditions with ease.

Your labour contract is one of the most important documents you have while working in Qatar. It outlines your employment terms and conditions, including your salary, benefits, and job duties. It is important to have a copy of your labour contract and to review it regularly to ensure that your employer is upholding their obligations.

If you need to check your labour contract online, you can do so through the Ministry of Labour’s (MOL) Portal for Printing Work Permits. This service is available to all employees residing in Qatar who are subject to the country’s Labor Law.

How to Check Your Labour Contract Online in Qatar

To check your labour contract online, follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the Ministry of Labour website for Printing Work Permits

To access your labor contract online, you need to visit the official Ministry of Labour website. Open your web browser and go to the Ministry of Labour’s website for Printing Work Permits.

How to Check Your Labour Contract Online in Qatar 2023

Step 2: Enter your QID card or visa number, as well as your mobile number

Once you have arrived at the Portal for Printing Work Permits, you will be prompted to enter your Qatar ID (QID) card number or visa number, as well as your mobile number. Your QID card number is a 12-digit number that is printed on your QID card. Your visa number is a 9-digit number that is printed on your visa sticker.

How to Check Your Labour Contract Online in Qatar 2023

Step 3: Enter the OTP sent to your mobile

Once you have entered your QID card or visa number, as well as your mobile number, you will receive a one-time password (OTP) via SMS. Enter the OTP into the field provided on the Portal for Printing Work Permits.

How to Check Your Labour Contract Online in Qatar 2023

Step 4: Click on “Login”

Once you have entered the OTP, click on the “Login” button. You will then be logged in to the Portal for Printing Work Permits.

How to Check Your Labour Contract Online in Qatar 2023

Step 5: View your existing labour contract(s) on the next page

Once you have logged in to the Portal for Printing Work Permits, you will be able to view your existing labour contract(s) on the next page. Your labour contract(s) will be listed in chronological order, with the most recent contract listed first.

How to Check Your Labour Contract Online in Qatar 2023

Step 6: View or Download a copy of your labour contract

To download a copy of your labour contract, click on the “Download” button next to the contract you want to download. Your labour contract will be downloaded as a PDF file.

How to Check Your Labour Contract Online in Qatar 2023 A Step-by-Step Guide download

More information about your labour contract

Your labour contract is a legally binding document that outlines your employment terms and conditions. It is important to understand all of the terms and conditions of your labour contract before signing it.

Here are some of the key terms and conditions that are typically included in a labour contract:

  • Job title: Your job title should accurately reflect the work that you will be performing.
  • Job duties: Your job duties should be clearly defined in your labour contract.
  • Salary: Your salary should be clearly stated in your labour contract. Your salary should be paid in Qatari riyals (QAR) and should be at least the minimum wage set by the Qatari government.
  • Benefits: Your labour contract should outline the benefits that you are entitled to, such as health insurance, paid time off, and end-of-service gratuity.
  • Working hours: Your working hours should be clearly stated in your labour contract. The maximum number of working hours per week in Qatar is 48 hours.
  • Termination of employment: Your labour contract should outline the grounds for termination of employment and the notice period that must be given.

If you have any questions about your labour contract, you should contact your employer. If you are still not sure about something, you can contact the Ministry of Labour for assistance.

Why is it Important to Check Your Labour Contract?

There are a number of reasons why it is important to check your labour contract. First, it is important to ensure that your employer is upholding their obligations under the contract. This includes paying you the correct salary, providing you with the agreed-upon benefits, and giving you the correct amount of vacation time.

Second, your labour contract can be helpful if you have any disputes with your employer. For example, if your employer fails to pay you your salary on time, you can use your labour contract to support your case.

Finally, your labour contract can be helpful if you are planning to leave your job. For example, your contract may specify how much notice you need to give your employer before leaving your job.

Tips for Reviewing Your Labour Contract

Here are a few tips for reviewing your labour contract:

  • Read the entire contract carefully. Don’t just skim over the contract. Take the time to read each and every clause carefully.
  • Pay attention to the key terms and conditions. This includes your salary, benefits, job duties, and vacation time.
  • Make sure you understand all of the terms and conditions. If you don’t understand something, ask your employer for clarification.
  • Get a copy of the contract in both English and Arabic. This will help you to understand the contract better and to avoid any misunderstandings.

Checking your labor contract online in Qatar is a simple yet essential process to ensure that your employment terms are accurately documented and compliant with local labor laws. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily access and review your labor contract, keeping your employment relationship transparent and protected. Always stay informed about your labor contract to avoid disputes and maintain a healthy working environment in Qatar.


A: A labour contract is a legally binding agreement between an employer and an employee. It outlines the terms.

A: If you don’t have a QID card or visa number, you can’t check your labour contract online. You will need to contact your employer to obtain a copy of your contract.

A: If you’re having trouble logging into the Portal for Printing Work Permits, you can try the following:

  • Make sure that you’re entering your QID card or visa number correctly.
  • Make sure that you’re entering your mobile number correctly.
  • Make sure that you’re entering the OTP correctly.
  • If you’re still having trouble logging in, you can contact the Ministry of Labour for assistance.

A: If you can’t find your labour contract on the Portal for Printing Work Permits, it’s possible that your employer hasn’t submitted your contract to the Ministry of Labour yet. You can contact your employer to ask them to submit your contract.

A: You will need your QID card or visa number, as well as your mobile number.

A: If you have a dispute with your employer over your labour contract, you should try to resolve the dispute with your employer directly. If you are unable to resolve the dispute directly, you can file a complaint with the Ministry of Labour.


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